Friday, July 27, 2012

On the road to Alaska!!

Met my co driver this morning in Vacaville, loaded all my gear into his truck and we headed up I-5 north to Mt Shasta KOA. Day 1 done no problems.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Been busy packing this morning. Can't believe how much I think I need! I meet up with Leroy tomorrow morning and then were off

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

packing and getting ready

not sure what will happen here on the blog, this is post #2.  Went to lunch today with MOPAR club and mowed lawn, and watered.   Talked to me co-driver for ALCAN and finalized meeting place and time!!!  :)

It took about 4 hrs to get this far

This is my first blog, and it took some time just to get here and two computers.  The first one the cookies weren't being cooperative.

It was suggested that a blog would be nice to have as a record for out 70th Anniversary of the creation of the ALCAN Hwy in Alaska.  The MVPA, Military Vehicle Preservation Assoc is sponsoring the trip.  There are roughly 90 military vehicles of all sizes and descriptions and about 300 people involved.

I have clothes and supplies everywhere waiting to be put in the vehicle.  Sleeping bags, clothes some rain gear in the living room, a box of utensils and kitchen things in a my civil war box out in the garage next to the cot, and new tent.  Paperwork and other small items on the kitchen table.  No wonder the table never gets cleared!! 

A picture of my jeep is or should be if I did right on here, its not going on trip!! 

I guess you may be wondering about why I call this My Retirement Again?  well I just got laid off for the second time, thankyou Governor Jerry Brown.  After 34 years of state service I retired in June 07.  I got a retired annuitant job at Child Support a few months later after a vacation in the midwest.  I worked at Child Support as a courier, mailman and other duties for about 9 months before getting laid off by Gov Arnold Schwarznegger.  A couple of months later I got rehired as a courier for the State Controllers Office, this is a Contitutional Officer for the state and he/she has more control and say over thier employees.  (looks like I have a thing for driving)  My last day working was yesterday because I am officially off on vacation till Sept 3rd.  However, all or most retired annuitants and student aids, etc are being laid off effective Aug 31st so when I come back there will be no job.